duminică, 8 noiembrie 2009

Seara de tineret/ An evening for the youth

Am scris ca voi posta aici cateva informatii despre lucrarea mea in biserica, si incep prin a spune ca sunt implicat in fanfara bisericii din Moldova Veche, de 2 ani. Pe data de 3 mai, 2009, am fost botezat, nu pentru ca am fost obligat, nu pentru ca asta ar fi fost vreo conditie ca sa pot participa cu ceva in desfasurarea activitatilor de tineret, ci pentru ca, nu puteam sa nu ascult de Cel care m-a ajutat atat de mult in momentele grele, de Cel care mi-a vorbit intr-un mod cum nimeni nu stie, de Cel care mi-a devenit Tata - si anume de Dumnezeu. Sunt convins ca El conduce totul si mi-am lasat viata mea in Mana Lui si Il voi urma si asculta pe Dumnezeu ca si cand El ma are doar pe mine. :)

Ok, sa revin la seara de tineret. Am inceput de ceva timp sa avem in fiecare miercuri seara, de la ora 19, o intalnire cu tinerii din biserica si Clisura Dunarii. Ok, nu in fiecare miercuri vine tot tineretul din Clisura, pentru ca majoritatea nici nu stiu poate de aceasta intalnire, dar totusi, reusim sa fim "doi sau trei in Numele Lui" in fiecare miercuri. Va invit pe toti cei care doriti sa va refugiati pentru un timp de 2h intr-o atmosfera de liniste sufleteasca si partasie, de inchinare lui Dumnezeu, sa participati in fiecare miercuri, incepand cu orele 19, la intalnirea de tineret din biserica baptista din Moldova Veche :)

Mai jos sunt cateva poze din biserica ( eu apar in poza a doua si urmatoarele, unde incercam sa cant la chitara ;)) ), poze cu o parte din grupul de inchinare. :) Nu suntem experti in muzica, desi cautam perfectiunea, dar suntem pocaiti :D si asta conteaza!

Remus A.

Va asteptam!

I said I will post here some infos about the work I do in the Church, and Im gonna start by saying that I am part of the brass band. I sing since two years ago. On may, 3rd, 2009 I've been baptized and this not because someone told me to do so, not because it was a condition to be a part of any kind of work in the Church, but because I could not refuse to listen The One who talked to me like no one else, The One who helped so much, and The One who became my Father - and that is God. Im convinced that He knows and loves, Im sure He has a plan for me and I will serve Him like He is having just me as a servant.

Ok, lets go back to the youth evening. We started to have meetings in The Church every Wednesday night, at 7pm, meetings with all the youth from Moldova Noua and all the other Churches from this area. Ok, not every Wednesday all the youth from our district comes because not everybody knows about this project, but we still manage to be "2 or 3 in The Name of God".

I invite all of you who want to have a moment of tranquility and worshiping God, every Wednesday from 7 pm, at Grace Baptist Church from Moldova Veche.

Here are some pics from our last meeting. (I am in from the second pic, where I was trying to sing at the guitar ). We are not experts in music, but we search the perfectionism in this. We believe in God and this its all that matters. :)

We wait for you to join us at the Church!

Remus A.

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